Jessica Rizzo Communication
Jessica Rizzo Communication

Jessica Rizzo Communication

405 followers 5 fan

Leggi di più su Jessica Rizzo Communication

If you are a fan of mine you will know my artistic history well, but I will summarize it anyway. I was born in the Marche on April 21, 1965, I met my future husband, Marco Toto. He played the guitar, composing music, and we toured many clubs on the peninsula playing and singing. We were happy and very close and our partnership, as well as artistic also became sentimental, and we got married on 10 June 1989. We have always been a close-knit couple and our private life has always been uninhibited and full of transgression. Almost for fun, we agreed to participate in a hardcore amateur film. We had a mask, but when the film was shown in the cinemas of neighboring countries, many recognized us, and the "scandal" was covered by the local and national press. That genuine, amateur product, and the fact that we were a real and common couple like many others, stimulated the fantasies of the public who could identify me as their woman, the tenant next door, in the work colleague ... I earned the nickname of "the most beloved lady by the Italians".

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