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Femdom Austria: Freak show 3 (with Joschi)HD 04:27
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Freak show 3 (with Joschi)

게시됨:25.04.2018 더 많은 정보 숨김

Freak show 3 Clip in English! Freak show 3: welcome to our new humiliation show degrading the wimp! Goddess Gloria – tv hostess and chief manager of wimp-humiliation – gives all of you a show of the main attraction in our new femdom dungeon! She introduces you to our total laughing stock, super freak sh*tface – the 40 years old virgin loser! Hahaha! The show is a new awesome masterpiece of meanness invented by master humiliator - the white prince for your amusement. Sh*tface the shy ugly virgin loser who puts up with everything is the absolute perfect laughing stock for all of us superior, sadistic people! Fort the past months this subhuman piece of sh*t is imprisoned in that very small cage. To increase sh*tface disgrace its parents have to watch the total humiliation of their wimpy fellow! The soul-crushing, humiliating way goddess Gloria parades that shy, very sensitive wimp in its cage is inhuman, cruel, and awesome.

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