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Femdom Austria: Slave must do a better cleaning next time05:30
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Slave must do a better cleaning next time

게시됨:24.05.2018 더 많은 정보 숨김

Mistress Bianca must settle something with her slave Richie; He must sit down on the ground and yells at her for it why he has not cleaned the flat, has ordered it like her; Richie replies, he has cleaned anyway anyway; A foot of Bianca immediately meets it for him in the face; And still one still; Again and again pushes it the Hungarian with her feet into its face which it tips over; She walks around it, yells at it, swears at it and kicks its head with her feet; Himself it spares after short, is intimidated so more looks the cosily really nowhere; The next foot into its face pushed whitely does not get it close from which side; But it must further without saying a word bear the psychological intimidation.

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